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Title:Surface Matters. Case Conflict in Free Relative Constructions and Case Theory
Authors:Ralf Vogel
Comment:to be published in the proceedings of a workshop on case theory, edited by Ellen Brandner and Heike Zinsmeister
Abstract:This paper deals with an analysis of case conflicts in free relative

(FR) constructions that I developed elsewhere. It discusses the consequences

of this analysis for case theory. It argues that the notions of both

`abstract case' and `morphological case' are needed to account for the

phenomenon. While the system of abstract cases might be assumed to be the same

universally, systems of morphological case are surely language particular. It

is well-known that markedness hierarchies of case play a crucial role in the

resolution of case conflicts in FRs. This paper claims that the

hierarchies at issue are not (universal) hierarchies of abstract case,

but language particular hierarchies of surface forms. One consequence

of this finding can be that case as such may be considered as a

totally language particular phenomenon. The paper further discusses

some optimality theoretic accounts of the typology of case systems and

sketches an alternative proposal. Last, but not least, several

arguments are put forward that it is necessary to assume a GB-style

'case module' -- even for OT syntax.
Type:Paper/tech report
Article:Version 1