ROA: | 408 |
Title: | Segment-to-syllable alignment and vocalization in Chilean Spanish |
Authors: | Carlos-Eduardo Pineros |
Comment: | |
Length: | 43 |
Abstract: | Carlos-Eduardo PiƱeros University of Iowa This paper analyzes the vocalization of stop consonants that occurs in Chilean Spanish as a strategy to avoid the emergence of consonantal segments that are not aligned with the left edge of a syllable. Vocalization is the best alternative to grammars that are pressed to parse every consonantal segment in syllable initial position but do not want to do so at the expense of losing or gaining segments. By providing an unfaithful correspondent that is non-consonantal, output forms are able to avoid the emergence of misaligned consonants and still hold the position of the offending segment. Despite ridding the output form of misaligned consonants, vocalization does not erase all marked syllable structure because it gives rise to complex syllable nuclei. KEYWORDS: alignment, vocalization, coda-condition, featural faithfulness |
Type: | Paper/tech report |
Area/Keywords: | |
Article: | Version 1 |