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Title:Implicational Constraints, Defaults and Markedness
Authors:Sergio Balari, Rafael Marín, Teresa Vallverdú
Comment:30 pages. Requires SILDoulosIPA fonts
Abstract:Implicational Constraints, Defaults and Markedness

Sergio Balari, Rafael Marín and Teresa Vallverdú

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

In this paper, we explore the idea of constraint combination as originally

described by Smolensky (1993; 1995). Our main goal is to show that this

mechanism is entirely compatible with a classical denotational semantics

for logical connectors and with a standard view of the EVAL function. To

show this, we take the work of Crowhurst & Hewitt (1997) as a point of

departure, where a number of phenomena are analyzed by means of macro-

constraints. In particular, we focus on conflicting directionality pheno-

mena which, we contend, may be captured by a unified analysis in terms of

implicational constraints.

It is our contention that all cases of conflicting directionality may be

captured by the following general schema: IF P THEN Q, ELSE R. P and Q are

two simple constraints combined by material implication into a larger one

that captures the marked, less general case; R, on the other hand, corres-

ponds to the unmarked, more general pattern that is ranked below the im-

plicative constraint. This particular organization of constraints requiring

marked and unmarked structures is equivalent to those proposed, for example,

by Zoll (1997) for conflicting directionality and by McCarthy & Prince (1994)

for other phenomena.
Type:Paper/tech report
Article:Version 1