ROA: | 234 |
Title: | Positional Faithfulness |
Authors: | Jill N. Beckman |
Comment: | 1998 UMass dissertation in 6 files. Requires PalPhon font |
Length: | 253 |
Abstract: | Positional Faithfulness Jill N. Beckman University of Massachusetts, Amherst There are a variety of phonological asymmetries exhibited by segments which appear in perceptually or psycholinguistically prominent positions such as roots, root-initial syllables, stressed syllables, and syllable onsets. In such positions, segmental or featural contrasts are often maintained, though they may be neutralized in non-prominent positions. Segments in prominent positions frequently trigger phonological processes such as assimilation, dissimilation and vowel harmony; conversely, they often block or resist the application of these processes. The goal of this dissertation is to develop a theory of positional faithfulness which will both generate and explain the range of positional asymmetries attested in natural language phonology. Chapter 1 introduces the notion of positional privilege, as well as the fundamental aspects of Optimality Theory. Positional faithfulness constraints are introduced and demonstrated in an analysis of onset/coda asymmetries in Catalan voice assimilation. I argue that positional faithfulness provides an explanation for the attested onset/coda asymmetries that is not afforded by licensing alternatives. Faithfulness in root-initial syllables, a position in which prominence derives largely from psycholinguistic (rather than phonetic) properties, is considered in Chapter 2. Particular attention is given to the analysis of vowel harmony in Shona, and to the phonology of consonantal place in Tamil. Chapter 3 is devoted to the domain of stress, showing once again that positional faithfulness constraints unify and explain a wide range of phonological asymmetries associated with the positional prominence. The core of the chapter is an analysis of nasal harmony in Guarani; vowel reduction in Catalan is also examined. In Chapter 4, I turn to positional privilege effects which are sensitive to the distinction between root and affix. Such cases provide further support for positional faithfulness theory. Finally, in Chapter 5, a different type of positional faithfulness effect, that of positional maximization, is examined. I argue that constraints which favor maximal packing of prominent constituents are necessary. Such constraints are crucial in cases of prominence-driven ambisyllabicity, as in Ibibio. Positional Max constraints also account for the appearance of complex syllable margins in prominent positions, though complex margins may be excluded elsewhere in the language. ------------------------------------------------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. ASPECTS OF POSITIONAL FAITHFULNESS THEORY 1.1 Introduction: Positional Privilege in Phonology..1 1.2 Theoretical Background: Optimality and Correspondence..................................10 1.3 Coda/Onset Asymmetries in Phonology.............19 1.3.1 Case Study: Catalan Coda Neutralization..24 Language Background...............24 The Distribution of Obstruents....28 Voicing in Obstruent Clusters.....39 1.3.2 Previous Analyses: Positional Licensing..44 1.3.3 Conclusions..............................50 2. ROOT-INITIAL FAITHFULNESS 2.1 Introduction.................................52 2.2 Initial Syllable Privilege 52 2.2.1 Psycholinguistic Evidence................52 2.2.2 Phonological Evidence of Positional Privilege................................54 2.3 Positional Neutralization and Harmony in Shona..59 2.3.1 Data and Generalizations.................59 2.3.2 Preliminaries: Markedness and Faithfulness Constraints in OT........................64 2.3.3 Analysis: Positional Neutralization and Harmony..................................66 Vowel Height in Initial Syllables.67 Height in Non-initial Syllables...69 2.3.4 Conclusions and Implications.............79 2.4 Initial Syllable Effects in Tamil...............84 2.4.1 Introduction.............................84 2.4.2 Language Background......................86 Segmental Inventory...............87 2.4.3 Vowel Features and Positional Faithful- ness.....................................88 Introduction......................88 Positional Neutralization of Height Contrasts.........................90 Contextual Allophony..............97 2.4.4 Tamil Coda Consonants....................99 Introduction......................99 Non-initial Syllables............104 Initial Syllable Codas...........119 Analytic Alternatives: Positional Licensing........................123 2.5 Conclusions....................................126 3. FAITHFULNESS IN STRESSED SYLLABLES 3.1 Introduction...................................129 3.2 Stress-based Positional Neutralization: Vowel Reduction......................................133 3.2.1 Introduction............................133 3.2.2 Case Study: Western Catalan Reduction...135 Background.......................135 Preliminaries: ATR Markedness and Inventory Structure..............137 The Analysis of Western Catalan..149 3.2.3 Faithfulness vs. Licensing I............154 3.3 Guarani Nasal Harmony..........................155 3.3.1 Introduction............................155 3.3.2 Data and Generalizations................157 3.3.3 Analysis................................161 Preliminaries....................161 Inventory Facts I: The Distribution of [nasal] in Vowels.............166 Inventory Facts II: The Distribution of [nasal] in Stops..............170 Regressive Nasal Harmony.........179 Summary..........................182 3.3.4 Faithfulness vs. Licensing II...........184 3.4 Conclusions....................................188 4. ROOT FAITHFULNESS 4.1 Introduction...................................191 4.2 Contrast Maintenance in Roots..................193 4.2.1 Introduction............................193 4.2.2 Case Study: Southern Bantu Clicks.......195 4.2.3 OCP Effects in Cuzco Quechua............197 4.3 A Case Study in Positional Interactions: Ibibio Consonant Assimilation.........................201 4.3.1 Introduction............................201 4.3.2 Analysis................................205 4.3.3 Conclusions.............................209 5. PROMINENCE MAXIMIZATION 5.1 Introduction...................................211 5.2 Background: Syllable Structure in Optimality Theory.........................................213 5.3 Ibibio ambisyllabicity: Evidence for Max-s1....219 5.4 Stressed Syllable Maximization in Scots Gaelic.231 5.5 Tamil Complex Codas............................238 5.5.1 Introduction............................238 5.5.2 Tamil onsets............................241 5.5.3 Codas in Non-initial Syllables..........244 5.5.4 Codas in Initial Syllables..............247 5.5.5 Conclusions.............................253 |
Type: | Dissertation |
Area/Keywords: | |
Article: | Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 |