ROA: | 192 |
Title: | Explaining Kashaya Infixation |
Authors: | Eugene Buckley |
Comment: | |
Length: | 12 |
Abstract: | Explaining Kashaya Infixation Eugene Buckley University of Pennsylvania In this paper I show that, as in languages like Tagalog, the peripheral position of infixes in Kashaya (a Pomoan language of northern California) is subordinate to surface phonological well-formedness. I discuss various allomorphs of the 'Plural Act' morpheme, some of which are suffixed to the root, while others are often (or always) infixed before a root-final consonant. All allomorphs are subject to the same alignment constraint, but whether infixation occurs depends on the harmony of the output given a particular root and allomorph. What distinguishes Kashaya from more typical examples of this sort is that infixation occurs for featural, rather than strictly syllabic, reasons: to improve the featural content of the coda, and to prevent the deletion of distinctive features. In both cases, coronal consonants behave as special relative to labials and dorsals. This paper is to appear in the Proceedings of BLS 23 (1997). |
Type: | Paper/tech report |
Area/Keywords: | |
Article: | Version 1 |